Leadership In VUCA World

In this fast-changing world, there is no comfort zone for any organization anymore. Organizations must constantly adapt to the challenges of the VUCA World to stay ahead. This adaptability extends beyond products or services; it encompasses business processes, management styles, and organizational structures.

Projects play a major role in this ongoing change. Organizations have recognized the pivotal role of projects in the overall success of an enterprise. However, the overall performance of the project management realm does not satisfy the business world. Yet, the burden of this challenge is often borne by a limited number of key players: Project managers, scrum masters, developers, and the like.

VUCA world requires agility and a collaborative effort that transcends traditional roles and responsibilities. Such a business culture is essential to survive and grow in this challenging ecosystem. Creating this culture is often beyond the power of the project management key players. The responsibility for fostering such an organizational climate falls on the shoulders of business executives and C-level professionals.


The Agile Dilemma


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